Dermal Filler Aftercare

Dermal Fillers


Dr Teri Johnson gives the following Dermal Filler aftercare advice to all her patients.

Dermal Filler Aftercare Advice

Most people are able to continue with normal activities with immediate improvement in their appearance and no downtime.

Redness, pinprick marks, slight tenderness and some swelling is usually noticeable immediately after but this usually subsides quickly.


Swelling can be more prolonged particularly after treatments in the lips and tear trough area.

Swelling may worsen in the first 24 hours and then should settle within a few days. Cold packs can be helpful in reducing swelling. The swelling can make the filler feel harder or lumpy and you may notice some asymmetry. This normally fully resolves by 2 weeks. If you have any concerns it is better to get in touch with the clinic so Dr Teri Johnson can assess your concern, and advise you further.


Bruising may occur, which can be visible immediately, however it may not be apparent until the next day.

Should you experience bruising Dr Teri can give you some bruise cream as part of your aftercare. Apply this every few hours to prevent a bruise from coming to the surface and to help the bruise go down quicker.

Most bruises last only a few days, however sometimes they can last a week or more.

Certain areas such as the perioral (mouth/lip) area are more prone to bruising and swelling and Dr Teri will be able to advise you what to expect and even show you photos of what reactions can occur at your consultation.


Tenderness is common after treatment and this usually resolves after a few days. Pain is not common and we recommend you contact us as soon as possible if you experience this.

Important Dermal Filler aftercare recommendations:

  • Make-up should not be worn for 24 hours to avoid the risk of infection.
  • Try to avoid touching the treated area, and wash your hands thoroughly first, if you do.
  • You are advised to avoid alcohol, vigorous exercise, sunbathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 2 days post-treatment. These activities have been found to increase and prolong swelling.
  • It is advisable to avoid aspirin and alcohol for 12-48 hours after treatment.

Please contact your us if redness, tenderness, itching or swelling worsens after 3 days, rather than settling.

What to do if you have a concern

Please do not worry, do not hesitate to contact the clinic if you have any concerns following your treatment.

Ring the clinic during opening hours on 01606 841255.

Please ring the clinic mobile on Sundays and Bank Holidays if you need urgent aftercare advice on 07858 118117.

You can also email Dr Teri here: 

Find out more about Dermal Fillers here.